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There's going to be a lot packed into this post because a lot has been happening concerning my chapbook Sensuality. but I haven't had the opportunity to write about on it here till now.


The artist Natsuhisui from Fiverr did an amazing job on the cover. I had no idea what I wanted it to look like--just some ideas for colors and images--and she turned it into a better cover that I had ever hoped for. Black, white, and red are my favorite colors, and the images of dancing and blood are prominent in the chapbook.

Sensuality. is going to be released on Amazon SEPTEMBER 28TH. A Kindle Ebook and a PRINT version will be available to buy. Also, for the first THREE DAYS that Sensuality. will be available (Sep 28-30th), the kindle version will be able to be downloaded for FREE.

You can pre-order the ebook version online right now!

I've recorded all fourteen poems and am releasing the recordings of all of them on YouTube as the release date nears. The poems "Shades of Blood", "The Primordial", and "A Ladder of Notes" have already been released! (You can listen to them at the end of this post, also.)

Then, to top it all off, I received the first proof copy in the mail a few days ago--

--and it looks GORGEOUS! It's a glossy cover so the light bounces off of it and it sparkles. It's so incredible to gaze at it and be like "That's my book. That's MY book!" I'm so happy with how it looks (though completely happy because I am changing some of its dimensions and will have to get another proof this week--but other than that, it's PERFECT!)

That's all the announcements for now. I'm currently doing everything I can to make Sensuality.'s release a memorable one. I'll be posting about it mainly on my Facebook page and my YouTube Channel. So if you definitely don't want to miss any upcoming news about Sensuality. and its recordings, like my Facebook page or subscribe to my YouTube Channel. We'll keep in touch.

And for now, you can enjoy these recordings!


Hey ya'll. I feel like it's been August for ages. Hmm, I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I've waiting to publish my chapbook Sensuality. in September. And September's finally here! Granted, Sensuality. won't be released for another few weeks. I know I've been reticent about exactly which day in September it will be released, but that information (along with the cover!) is coming soon, I promise.

There's a lot to do when preparing a book for publication, so my August goals were all about Sensuality..

August Goals

1. Format the Interior of Sensuality.

Done except for one or two tweaks. The few things I still have to do I couldn't have done because they relate to the cover, which I'll get to talking about soon. I ended up using Microsoft Word for the formatting, and it wasn't as much of a headache as I feared it would be.

2. Make the Cover for Sensuality.

Almost. I ran into some setbacks. The idea I originally had flopped. I tried to DIY it--do not recommend. Then I reached out to some artists on this site called Fiverr. I found one--named natsuhisui--who could do it for cheap, and I'm very happy with the results. It turned out better than I thought. There's still a few finishing touches to be done before I can officially reveal the cover. Then, that's just the front cover. I still need to design the back myself.

3. Update my Author Photo


I didn't even get to renting a good camera for my DIY cover before I trashed that idea, so I didn't have a good camera for taking my new author photo. I just did it with my phone. It's not the most professional-looking photo, but I think it's an improvement upon my last one and better reflects who I am as an artist.

4. Begin Stage #2 for Poetry Book #1 (PB1)

Accomplished! PB1 is my new poetry project and will be my first full-length poetic work. In July, I focused on writing several poems for it (Stage #1), but for August, I slowed down to figure out the book's structure. I brainstormed all the ideas I wanted to explore in the book and then created a note-card for every idea for an individual poem I had. I divided the note-cards by theme and then ordered them the way I want them to be in the book (for now). I discovered two things:

  1. I've grouped the book into 5 parts based on similar ideas and having to do with a particular period of my life.

  2. I have at least 100 ideas for poems. And I might develop more as I write. Considering a lot of my poems tend to be over one book-size page long, that could mean the final book will be around 150 (or more) pages. This is going to be a looooong work.

It's an ambitious concept too, but I've become more confident that I'll be able to do it justice.

I'm calling all the brainstorming and organization I did Stage #2, and now I've progressed to Stage #3, which is writing the rest of the poems. So far, I've written 32. I'm between a third and a fourth done. Wow, this book is crazy.

5. Write 10 Poems

Failed. I only wrote 6. This goal was my lowest priority, so I'm not too bothered by not reaching it.

6. Gain More YouTube Subscribers

I gained one. I know the goals says subscribers, but every subscriber counts and should be considered an accomplishment. In that case, I'm counting this as accomplished. I haven't been as consistent at posting videos as I had planned, so I consider that to be a failure.

There were a lot of goals that were somewhat accomplished this month. There were some setbacks along the way, and moving back into my dorm at school took up time. I still consider this month to be mostly a success; it just wasn't as successful as some previous months.

Onto my goals for September!

1. Publish Sensuality.

It's coming out THIS MONTH! I can't believe it. I'm so excited! Randomly throughout my day, I'll smile and say I can't believe I'm publishing my first book soon.

Most of the big work is done, but there's still several small things I have to do:

  • Finish interior formatting

  • Format the back cover

  • Release the cover and announce the release date

  • Print a proof copy to make sure everything's formatted correctly

  • Finalize and release the recordings of the poems

  • Finish uploading it to Createspace and Amazon KDP

2. Read from Sensuality. at an Open Mic Night

Last semester, I started performing at open mic nights. It still terrifies me, but I want to promote Sensuality. by reading a poem or two from it. Maybe I can even sell some copies!

3. Write 15 poems

I'm upping the goal from last month because hopefully I'll have some more time to write. I'm also only 4 away from reaching my year goal of 35 poems.

Only 3 goals this month, but there's a lot that goes into publishing anything. This all feels so crazy! I'm so excited to finally share Sensuality. and see it become a book. If you don't want to miss its release, you can sign up for my newsletter below, follow me on Facebook, or subscribe to my YouTube channel. We'll keep in touch!


Hey y'all! It's August and time to review my July goals and make new ones. Can you believe the year is already over half-way done?

July Goals

1. Write 20 Poems

Accomplished! I wrote exactly twenty. Before this I hadn't written more than eight in a month, so I didn't know if I had the stamina to accomplish this. It was challenging. I was writing basically a poem a day with a few days off every now and then. And a poem can take several hours to write. They were all varying lengths and types: long, short, formal, free verse. I tried out many new poetic forms like the alouette, nove otto, quatern, and octameter.

2. Finish the Recordings for Sensuality.

Accomplished. I had six poems left to record, three of which were my longest. I kept procrastinating on this goal, so I'm glad I made it one for July because otherwise I might not have finished it. I sent the recordings off to my friend to produce and should get all them back by the end of this month.

3. Post Regularly on YouTube

Accomplished. I posted four videos this month--one a week. I even did my first two scripted videos, which turned out way better than I thought they would. It made the whole process easier, so I'm going to continue making them this way.

I accomplished all of my goals! Granted, this was partly due to the fact that I was home with nothing else to do. These goals helped give structure to July so I never got bored.

Now that August is here, I have a new slew of goals.

August Goals

1. Format the Interior of Sensuality.

This includes the placement of the poems on the page, the front matter, and the back matter. I'll be doing all of this myself. Most likely, I'll use Microsoft Word or Scrivener. I haven't decided which yet.

2. Make the Cover for Sensuality.

I have a few ideas. All I need is to borrow or rent a good camera and hope my ideas don't fall flat. I'll be honest: I'm nervous about how this is going to come out because I've never made a cover before.

3. Update my Author Photo

I'm hoping to kill two birds with one stone by also taking an author photo of myself when I'm making the cover for Sensuality..

4. Begin Stage #2 for Poetry Book #1 (PB1)

Since I've never written a full-length poetry book before (mind you Sensuality. is a chapbook with only 14 poems), I have no idea what I'm doing. But it naturally happened that I've divided the writing process into two stages (for now).

Stage #1 happened in July. All twenty poems I wrote that month are part of this book. I focused on writing poems for the individual ideas I already had. Towards the end of the month, I felt like focusing on the individual poems was causing me to neglect the overall concept, which leads me to Stage #2.

For Stage #2, I'm going to examine the poems I've already written and figure out how I want to communicate the overarching concept. What am I missing? What do I need to explore more? How does one idea affect the others? Once I've figured that out, I'll make an outline of the poems I need to write and in what order they'll fit into the book. As I've said, I've never attempted anything like this, so I might scratch this plan later. But it's a start.

5. Write 10 Poems

It's only ten this month because I want to focus on the structure of PB1 which might mean writing less poems. Also, I have several other goals this month and am moving back into my dorm and starting school in the second half of August.

6. Gain More YouTube Subscribers

For the last few months, one of my goals has always been to post regularly on YouTube. Now that I've gotten into a schedule, I've changed this goal to growing my channel--specifically my subscriber count. I have a game plan for August. We'll see how it goes.

I have twice as many goals this month than I did for July--not to mention school is starting again. It's going to be a busy month. What are your goals for August?




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